Adapttech achieves HIPAA compliance with compliancy group

Our year at Adapttech has started with the following message “Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off and you have earned your Seal of Compliance™” by Compliancy Group, with the great news that we can now say that we are HIPAA compliant. 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the standard for sensitive patient data protection (data such as names, addresses, biometric data, etc.). 

Using our INSIGHT App, clinicians will have to insert ePHI (electronic protected health information) and so Adapttech needed to implement physical, network, process security measures and follow them to ensure HIPAA Compliance. 

This allowed Adapttech to build a strategy that:  

  • Ensures the patient’s health data is secure, maintaining the trust of our partners 

  • Meets the necessary regulations for access, audit, integrity controls, data transmission, and data device security 

  • Trains everyone who handles PHI on how to handle sensitive data, increasing the visibility and importance of this subject. 

HIPAA is enforced by the American department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Although HHS does not provide or endorse HIPAA certifications, it will conduct audits to check if the organization has made a good faith effort towards achieving HIPAA compliance, and this is where Compliancy Group has helped us. 

Adapttech has now created a team with a Privacy, a Security, and a Compliance officer to ensure it keeps on complying with the regulations and making sure our clients feel safe when using our product. 

We want to thank Compliancy Group for helping us achieve this milestone and providing us with this seal of compliance. 


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