Covid-19 challenges & triumphs - a year working remotely

2020 was a year full of challenges for people on a personal and professional level. Most companies were forced to reinvent their way of working, adapting themselves in order to continue functioning. 

Adapttech was no exception! Around this time last year employees began working remotely, all business trips came to a halt and we were forced to conform the “new-norm”. 

In this blog post we would like to share with you some processes that we have adopted in order to continue working efficiently; and some incentives introduced to boost company moral.


The safety of all workers is and will always be a priority for Adapttech. In order to ensure this security, measures were introduced. 

We created and gifted the team Adapttech branded masks, placed disposable masks and hand-sanitizer at every entrance to the office, displayed informational posters, acrylic dividers were set up between desks, and the office was remolded in order to increase each workspace. 

picture showing covid rules at the company


The company was divided into three strategically designed bubbles created for staff safety and preventing major disruptions to productivity. 

Each week shifts for office working are planned, depending on the needs of each team. This system also reinforces the rule that prevents more than three people in the office at the same time. 

In order to successfully continue product development, teams must better organize tasks and provide handovers which enable the next shift to continue and/or complete outstanding tasks from the previous team. This is one of the biggest challenges when you are working to develop a product and are forced to work remotely. Teamwork and communication are crucial as extra attention from all teams! 


Stand up is a daily meeting held every morning in order to keep abreast of all important developments within the work of each person. Currently, the purpose of this meeting is not only to give updates, but an opportunity to have everyone together (digitally, of course), listening to each other and helping one another with assigned tasks.  

One thing that we insist on, is that all cameras are turned on in order to make the meetings as personal as possible. 

Maintaining social relationships between the team beyond work is also of great importance to Adapttech. Due to this, we have created non-mandatory social meetings that help to preserve colleague socialization through interactions that would normally happen within an office setting. During these virtual get-togethers conversations about work are forbidden! This environment was designed to help employees relax and is a vital tool for the integration of new team members who have not had the opportunity to meet and get to know the team personally. 

Our preexisting biweekly games night was made digital so that we could continue our fun festivities without disruption. This is another great opportunity to bond with colleagues while having fun. 


Unfortunately, a consequence of the global pandemic means fewer business events, which makes reaching target markets more complex and complicates conventional business engagement methods.   

As a way of staying in touch with our market during these challenging times, we are holding monthly webinars through 2021.  

This series of webinars aims to demonstrate our products and present some case studies with the desired result of increasing our audience and market awareness. 

Want to attend one of our webinar series? Sign up here.


Having a dedicated and cohesive team is a wonderful accomplishment. In the height of the Pandemic when there was so much uncertainty and gloom, it was paramount that we convey the invaluableness of every Adapttech employee. We did this by sending surprise gifts with encouraging notes to the team to show our appreciation for their hard work, and to reassure them that we are all in this together. The happy reactions to these gifts were priceless!


In the current climate, when many of us are spending so much time at home its essential all lines of communication are open. We at Adapttech have created an environment where employees feel comfortable enough to express concerns to each other, ask for help, or simply contact one another for a quick chat. 

It is a situation that no one could avoid. We can only adapt, reinvent and try to make the best of it all. Despite all the difficulties experienced during this last year, our team is growing and each day we grow closer to achieving our goals. 

We are very proud of such great teamwork! 


Erie's story: an Adapttech case study


Kris' story: an adapttech case study