Women in STEM: Celebrating IWD

Today we recognise International Women’s Day and in particular celebrate women in STEM as our team here at Adapttech grows by four impressive women:

carla sampaio

Carla Sampaio
Full Stack Developer

I first studied to be a computer technician but needed to take additional mathematics modules to attend the Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão. Here I also earned my degree in Electronic Engineering and Informatics, and I am currently finishing a Master’s degree in Informatics Engineering at ISEP. 

Before joining Adapttech, I worked for around seven years at textile manufacturers Riopele, before moving to Sétima providing web and mobile app development services for a year and a half. 

My role at Adapttech is full stack developer, so I will be working from the backend to the front. I am looking forward to growing my own software development skills in this new role as coding is my passion – and I am excited to support Adapttech with developing new frameworks and new ways to improve software reliability and performance.  

In general, I’m looking forward to work with a team who are always in a good mood and eager to embrace continuous improvement in their work. 

leonor valente

Leonor Valente 
Digital Marketer

I studied Marketing Management at the specialist college IPAM (Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing) then, as I wanted to specialize in digital marketing, I earned my Master's degree at ISCAP (Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto). 

My career began at an event management company two years which has given me many transferrable skills to take on my first digital marketing role. 

My role at Adapttech is to help the company communicate on all digital platforms: executing marketing campaigns; managing social networks; creating content; planning events; internal communications; and blog management. 

My biggest goal is to learn as much as possible about managing a company's marketing so that one day I can launch my own digital marketing consultancy. I believe that nowadays digital marketing is indispensable to any company. 

Adapttech and my new colleagues are already teaching me a lot. Working at a startup, it is easier for me to be aware of all the activities and the needs of the company, which is very useful, from my perspective. My expectation is that I will grow professionally and personally, as well as grow my confidence in myself and my expertise, and I will learn everything I need to excel in my career. 

carlota armillas

Carlota Armillas 
Product Designer 

I earned a joint honours in industrial design engineering and mechanical engineering at the University of Cadiz before earning my Master's degree in engineering for sustainable development at the University of Cambridge 

I have worked as a design engineer at the INNANOMAT group (focused on healthcare and naval sectors), and as a sustainability consultant at EY Portugal. I have also done some freelance industrial design work, and I periodically work with the professors on the Master's degree in industrial design and product development engineering at the International University of La Rioja.

As a product designer my main responsibilities will be to design and develop Adapttech's products, working with both the design and mechanical teams, participating in product ideation processes, and working on usability tests, among other tasks. I will also support company communications. 

I am passionate about innovation and using my engineering skills and creativity to create new products that have a positive impact in helping to improve people's lives. I love learning from users and multidisciplinary experts to understand all aspects of a product. I would like to keep learning and growing in my current role as it is perfectly aligned with my career goals – becoming a recognized product designer that works within an innovative team, solving challenges to help others while taking care of product sustainability aspects. On top of this, I am very interested in doing my best to help the industry achieve the sustainable development goals, and transition towards a model that is not prejudicial for the environmental, social and economic systems. 

I am really looking forward to embracing complex challenges, developing my engineering skills, and having a creative and dynamic role interacting with a variety of people. I will feel absolutely thrilled when we get to prototype the first product I participate in. I am also very excited about the work environment and the company's culture – I feel very lucky to be working within a young and interesting team of people who are also motivated to improve people's lives.

leonor monteiro

Leonor Monteiro 

I am a third-year student at NOVA School of Science and Technology studying Biomedical Engineering and am currently an intern at Adapttech. 

So far I have worked with Cátia on the development of a new tool that will optimize the creation of new Adapttech’s products. I will also help the biomedical team in projects on the quality of INSIGHT® and its intra-device variability, which I am really looking forward to doing. 

I chose my college degree to learn about developing new products that will help improve patients’ quality of life, which is what I am most passionate about. I hope to focus my professional career on the search for devices that bring new technologies and medicine together to improve global health. 

This internship is my first professional experience. Although my university offers partnerships with some companies and hospitals, I decided to look for this specific internship because I knew that I would identify more with Adapttech's goals and values. With this in mind, what I am most looking forward to is to developing skills that will be useful for my future career. Getting to know how a biomedical company works and learning from people with experience are other aspects that I am looking forward to. 


Kris' story: an adapttech case study


Leslie's story: an Adapttech case study