Adapttech presents the "ADAPT – the new generation of smart fitting prosthetic solutions" project

On the 6th of December, Adapttech presented the results of the project “ADAPT – The new generation of Smart Fitting Prosthetic Solutions” (NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-112375) at Porto Palácio Congress Hotel & Spa, in Porto, Portugal. This project looked at the INSIGHT range of products of Adapttech: the INSIGHT Digitizer, INSIGHT Sense, and INSIGHT Pro.  

During this event, Adapttech gave presentations on our lower-limb prosthetics technology, held a discussion panel with prosthetists, patients, and market specialists, and gave a preview of the future development of Adapttech. Workshops and Q&A sessions were also held for the prosthetists, doctors, students, and interns who attended the event. This was a great way of truly understanding Adapttech’s products as attendees had the chance to get involved with the team. 

The first panel featured an intriguing conversation between CPOs André Costa (Multiorthos) and Pedro Maia (Padrão Ortopédico) and patients who were involved in the development of our technology. A debate was held about how technology affects practice and patients, as well as the gaps that still exist in the field. At the end of the discussion, all parties agreed that this technology enhances communication between the CPO and the patient, which was great to hear! 

The second panel featured a discussion between market experts Frédéric Desprez (EU market) and Mark Ford (US market). This conversation focused on looking at the presence of Adapttech’s technology in the O&P market. They covered the market landscape from both the European and American viewpoints, as well as the obstacles in each and how Adapttech intends to solve them with its innovative technology. In addition, Derek Inserra, our US-based clinical specialist, presented a clinical case with an American patient using the full range of Adapttech’s products. The patient stated: “I’m ready to get back to life. I’m glad to have this technology and my prosthetic person who can explain and show me everything that’s going on. It makes me feel better about this whole thing. I feel like I can trust it better”. 

The INSIGHT Showcase was a great success as the team was able to talk about Adapttech in detail to those who attended, as well as present the results of this successful project! 


2022 in review


Adapttech and Alfimed at NITO conference